Add custom registration and profile fields. Additionally members can update their billing information or cancel their account directly on your site. Any active subscription will be cancelled at the payment gateway for you.
Terdapat ribuan alumni bergabung.
Akses beragam grup diskusi
Membantu pengembangan diri
Sharing informasi peluang bekerja dan wirausaha
Add custom registration and profile fields. Additionally members can update their billing information or cancel their account directly on your site. Any active subscription will be cancelled at the payment gateway for you.
Integrates with Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, GetResponse, Social Login, KISSMetrics, Infusionsoft, WP Courseware, LearnDash, Post Affiliate Pro, bbPress, WooCommerce, and many more popular third party tools.
Paid Memberships Pro provide a huge library of add-ons that allow you to extend Paid Memberships Pro to your needs. Views add-ons.